Thursday, July 13, 2006

N.K./Japan; Second Enron Death; SARS, Bird Flu/Climate; Voter ID Card Law Illegal;

Man Tied to Enron Found Dead in London

Federal Judge Rules Voter ID Card Law in Georgia is Illegal

N. Korea Warns Japan of Destruction in Case of Attack; 8-Nation Naval Exercises

China to Fight Climate-Induced Illnesses (Bird Flu, SARS)


PeakedOut said...

I had been hoping this blog would have constructive info. I am very curious as to what types of things others are doing to prepare for all things related to peak oil. Is there a good place to find such things?

Not being fabulously wealthy or completely unencumbered by life's trappings, I am curious as to what steps others are taking who have limited resources or mobility.

PeakedOut said...

I was hoping to find discussions about the steps people of modest means are taking to prepare for the changes peak oil will bring. Is there a good place to look?

PeakedOut said...

just trying to post, keep failing.

Jenna Orkin said...

dear 'peaked out'

re solutions, check out some of the links on the right hand side of this page, esp and 'community solutions.'

Jenna Orkin said...

sorry, by 'right hand side of the page' i was referring to the original blog. permatopia is also a good source of information.

Howlin_Dog said...

Peaked out:
Not only am I not fabulously wealthy but I am pretty much a ground dweller. So, having learned the hard way, I live my live pretty much like a prairie dog. I take baby steps into unknown territory... do lots of looking around once I am out of my normal territory and always always always am near a hole to scurry into if times get rough.

Now to get a little more serious about what I do: I fix things, not only do I often save money, but I learn new skills. I am learning to live without some of the comforts. For example, my ac went out on my car. By not fixing that I am getting more used to the heat and actually enjoying summer more. I am learning to grow a small garden. That does several things. I am building my soil. Learning about plants and planting. I am eating healthier and since I tilled the soil by hand I got a bunch of needed exercise.
Some things I will be doing soon. I will be attending the local flea market (6:00 AM on Sunday... ouch). Knowing who to trade with and how to trade will be a good skill. We also have a farmers market (with real farmers not just traders). I also repaired one of the bicycles, my fat butt can use the exercise.

Yeah. All small but all a step forward.

A really great site on the web for the "Good Ole Yankee Ingenuity" (how long has it been since you heard that term).
Great site for "do-it-yerself" motivation.

Howlin_Dog said...

Oh yeah.... another way to figure out what might get you by when times get rough.

Any of the joke e-mails or sites you find that make fun of rednecks, hillbilly's, trailer trash, ghetto dwellers, etc., etc., etc. Look at the creations of these folks who are somehow getting by and you will see possibilites for keeping on keeping on.

Jenna Orkin said...

thanks howlin dog. as a result of your suggestion, 'other power' has just been added to the links on this blog's homepage.

Rice Farmer said...

I've been here in Japan a long time, and I'm not shaken much by NK. The US propaganda-regurgitating Japanese media blow this all out of proportion, and neglect to mention that, for example, NK is breaking no laws, and has a right to test missiles. Although NK's leaders are nuts, they're no crazier than Bush and the neocons, who continually threaten NK. The bottom line is, I feel considerably more threatened by the US than by NK. The reality is that NK could possibly pump a few missiles into Japan or even the US, but Bush -- a mentally unstable basket case with his finger on the nuclear trigger -- could well plunge the world into nuclear holocaust. Keeping things in perspective always helps.

mrs p said...

Yes, we concur with Ricefarmer! Most of what we've seen on Independant Media & also read in a speech by British Playwright, Harold Pinter, (You can read his Nobel Prize Speech for Literature at, click on Literature)...the nut jobs in the U. S. are far more dangerous. We have more trigger ready nukes than anyone. Ready in 15 minutes. That makes me ill. Who knows what Israel, (our evil twin) will do with their huge arsenal of nukes which they won't admit they have. They haven't signed any NON-Nuke treaty either. It's all so juvenile and moronic. Like I used to say in my teens, "It's time for the little green women to come from outerspace and take over."