Tuesday, September 16, 2008

AIGI knew they would never let AIG go down. There's too much government dirty laundry there. Covert ops would collapse as well. No, I think it's clear now. What's going down is not Wall Street; it's the government of the United States of America -- to keep Wall Street alive.

It's on the map.

For more information, see the two-part series FTW was running on AIG which was "interrupted" by 9-11.




Anonymous said...

As a young person who never was able to acquire much outside of daily bread and a wide breadth of knowledge, I'm glad to see the collapse. I have never had anything, so I have nothing to lose. Conversely, I enjoy watching people who made more than a living through fraud and the willingness to rivet shackles on their brother's necks.

Me and the rest of my minimum wage brethren are ready.

Rice Farmer said...

Of course we all know that Big Biz has always been in bed with the government, but reviewing the FTW article reminds one of the depth of the ties and the magnitude of the corruption.

So, what's going to happen to the price of oil in the short term? There's lots of room for speculating, and plenty of variables, but there's little possibility of an outcome that will prolong the Good Times. To really help the global economy, oil has got to get below $80/bbl and stay there. It's still too high for the truckers and airlines. But if producers -- deciding that a roaring world economy is in their own best interests -- pump like mad to get the price down and the economy picks up, so will oil consumption, and the price has got to rise again. It's a situation that renewables can't fix.

At the same time, we've got an increasingly grim geopolitical picture. The Russians are showing their prowess at chess, and the Nigerian rebel forces seem to be trying a new tack that will be more effective. Chavez is getting chummy with the Russians, and -- although it's admirable how he's investing a lot of oil money in social problems -- I don't think he's reinvesting enough in his oil fields. Look for Venezuelan oil production to decline, which will likely hurt the US more than anyone else.

In the near future, I think we're going to see one helluva lot of "load shedding" of various kinds as globalization and the consumer economy die hideously.

Lawrence Peterson said...


please fix the link in mike's latest post. need a retrun after the link and before his initials.


Jenna Orkin said...


Jenna Orkin said...

'nihil matters'

pls send the link rather than quotes. thx

Anonymous said...

U.S. gasoline stocks fall to record low: EIA

Anonymous said...

"Russia halted stock and bond trading on Wednesday amid the worst market falls since the country's 1998 financial collapse and the Finance Ministry pledged a total of $60 billion of funds to help local banks."

Russia suspends stock, bond trading as market dives

Anonymous said...

Here's an approach you'll never see floated in the corporate media: instead of bailing out the money guys who caused this crisis, Washington should seize the assets of the INDIVIDUAL EXECUTIVES of the firms who are responsible for this mess; the people who generated the fraudulent loans in the first place. The money isn't gone. It has just been swindled into a few private accounts.

trevbus said...

Is the huge surge in gold actually Putin's economic counterstrike in response to the decimation of Russia's markets?

The other factor behind the surge is probably that the gold suppression cartel is splintering (Lemetropolecafe.com has covered this). As indicated by JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs refusing to assist in the AIG bailout - now it may be everyone for himself.

trevbus said...

It seems Russian forces were deployed to Venezuela to prevent US retaliation for an impending transition to a gold-backed currency.

When a geopolticial player publicly mulls over an option, it usually means it has already happened, meaning Venezuela has already bought gold for this purpose.

Venezuela may buy gold for coins, other investment products

By Claudia Carpenter
Bloomberg News
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Venezuela's central bank may buy 15 metric tons of gold a year to develop gold investment products including coins, said Eli Sanchez, head of the gold department at Venezuela's central bank.

"Part of our function is to increase participation in the gold market," Sanchez said in an interview in London today. "The point is, in Venezuela you don't have the opportunity to invest in gold at this moment."

businessman said...

With all of the government bailouts that are happening right now and with what I'm sure will be more to come, I thought that the following quote was appropriate:

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

Henry Ford

cornsilk said...

Perhaps I'm over-reacting, as is my nature.

However, I feel impressed to address an issue that Carolyn Baker has addressed on her site.

Some of us have health issues, and sick people become afraid when a future like ours comes up. In our family, we have a brilliant Gen-Xer who has Type-A diabetes.

Diabetes is the reason, after reading "From the Wilderness" for awhile, that we started buying silver.

"This is insulin insurance," I told myself.

Two comforting points. I read a post by a girl in Sarajavo who was purchasing insulin during the worst of the fighting. This was for her grandfather, and she became stranded in an elevator for hours.

The elevator isn't the point. The point is that she was purchasing insulin in a war zone.

Point two: Diabetes is a huge business in this country. I think insulin will always be available -- perhaps some will have to get it on the black market.

In my heart, my belief is that we should put more trust in the greed of corporations to survive. Especially those that make certain medicines.

If this is off the wall, please forgive...