From Jenna Orkin:
North Korea Preparing to Launch Missile Towards Hawaii
Here's where pedantry goes into overdrive. Does this headline come down to the choice of a preposition? Is "towards" the same thing as "at?" Or is the firing of the missile just a warning shot in the direction of Hawaii?
The Taepodong-2 ballistic missile, with a range of 4,000 miles, are [sic] being developed to give North Korea the capability to strike Hawaii and Alaska, however analysts say that the technology still falls some way short of that goal.
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Gosh, Jenna, I'd say you're not so much exercising pedantry as you are expressing disgust aimed at a piss poorly written piece of piss poor journalism re the expectedly wierd antics of a small, relatively weak and confused nation sillily reacting to an infinitely larger and stronger, yet equally confused nation that has way too long now been sillily doing whatever it wants to to anyone whenever it thinks it can pull it off. That's all. Is there anything new there about any of this?
Love your work; and look to the day when minds like yours -- not theirs -- are the rule. It'll happen.
It seems any launch of a missle over the ocean water is 'toward' Hawaii. I guess they expect them to shoot over China or Russia
Re: North Korea Preparing to Launch Missile Towards Hawaii
How does anyone know for sure what this ship is carrying? Remember the yellow cake uranium that turned out to be non-existent? It could be carrying powdered baby milk, or Hello Kitty products for all we know. While it could be carrying some nuclear device, could this be an excuse for "preemptive action" to get us into a situation with N Korea? Wasn't there speculation of American provocation of Japan before the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
As far as the discussion of lack of public response to the rigging of our elections goes, the American public seems to be short on critical thinking skills and inculturated to believe whatever our media tells us. On the other hand, I have attended anti-war protests where hundreds of thousands of people participated, yet the press would say that only a few thousand showed up, hid the news in the cooking section or showed photos of little old ladies in odd outfits singing funny songs to trivialize the antiwar movement. There may be all kinds of protesting going on, but we aren't hearing about it, but then again, now that we have the Patriot Act people may be reconsidering what they protest about.
Ha, unbelievable gaul. Ridiculous.
I'm surprised the MSM didn't suggest it was a nuclear missile.
one little high explosive warhead?
give me a break,more fear-mongering.
Why am i not surprised?
then too, re Iran, isn't it kind of weird that all the protest signs are in English??
This is laughable;pathetic scaremongering,similar to Reagans claim that the sandanistas might invade texas in the mid 80's;utter bollocks!
Yeah I'm tired of the fear mongering and posting these stories. I hate to say it but its been detrimental to my psyche over the last 8 months or so. I left ca broke up w my gf left my semi decent job and now I'm back in jersey, miserable. I'm not saying that that's anyones fault here; it clearly is not. But I'm so sick of the negative headlines whether they're coming true or not. No organic garden in my backyard is going to save me. I'm heading back to ca soon w no money to get my girl back. Sound desperate? It sounds like this web site. I bought yer books, read your messages, but I'm done now, no more, give me back my sanity.
information is just information. don't blame the messenger. i do believe that they are building more of a compass here than a map. their compass can tell you where South is, but if you end in Antarctica instead of Costa Rica, whose fault is that?
The plot thickens: Strange Inconsistencies in the $134.5 Billion Bearer Bond Mystery -
Navy Positions Destroyer For Possible Intercept of North Korean Ship Suspected of Proliferating Missiles, Nukes
I cannot be in more complete agreement with Toner's excellent "information is just information" post. I would also like to say that all of us are inherently messengers and receivers of information which we all produce and provide to one another simply by virtue of being alive and compelled by the nature of what we are to express ourselves. Ultimately there is no one to "blame" for anything; and we certainly are doing much good for ourselves when raising our consciousness -- as a species -- from where it has long been to where it will much better be. And communicating ourselves to that point is what we're all inescapably caught up into doing; so let's just keep busy passing the word around like this until we get there.
It would not be two easy for North Korea to do this. Though the threats are there, but the fact that no country can sustain alone in this global age would make the decision makers think about the possible economic and social restrictions on Korea which might result in sever effect on the economy and living standards of people of Korea. The script needs to be perfect if they really go ahead with it.
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