Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Disclaimer for Health Advice Offered in Comments

Thanks to all who are pouring forth offers (which are being handled separately), good will and health advice for Mike. Please note that this blog and FTW are not health professionals and do not necessarily endorse the advice contained in the comments. They're being published only as a matter of interest.

Your messages are also being passed on to Mike who appreciates them enormously. They're even having a noticeable effect.


Rice Farmer said...

I'm not a health professional either, but I will say one thing: food is your best medicine. A diet rich in whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, pulses, and herb teas certainly can't do any harm. I have no idea what Mike's food choices are, but any degree of dietary freedom should be exploited.

And now some news on the latest in Japan:

Henderson Photography said...

God bless you Mike. I've been greatly informed over the last month since I've discovered your fight. I will be praying for your good health in hopes that you can keep fighting the good fight. Don't loose hope, people like you are needed.