Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Blog Makeover

Blogspot is in the process of changing its protocol which is currently making it impossible to post comments. Thanks for your patience while this issue gets ironed out.


Rice Farmer said...

US government closely watching stock trading

"The US government is "closely monitoring" trading following a sharp drop on the stock exchange but it appears the market is functioning normally, the chairman of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, said Wednesday."

And Bernanke is on the Plunge Protection Team, right?

Rice Farmer said...

U.S. House Democrats seek more war funds than Bush

Afghan opium 'hits record output'

Mission accomplished!

Pandabonium said...

Wayne Madsen report: "...rumors that the Bush/Cheney administration has initiated a major military move into Southeast Asia to secure for itself large oil deposits discovered in the waters of the Gulf of Thailand. The U.S. military push into the region is centered on the Cambodian coast, particularly around Sihanoukville.

With three countries -- Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam -- vying for the off-shore oil booty in seas where maritime borders are contested, the Bush/Cheney cartel hopes to achieve a dominant position to exploit the oil reserves for their oil industry friends and backers."

Full story:

gaelicgirl said...

The latest from Tom Whipple. It presents the confluence of issues very clearly. Might be especially good for introducing Peak Oil to 'newcomers':

Rice Farmer said...

Here's an interesting story much underreported by the Japanese media. And remember, lately there has been a rash of metal thefts in this country. A few days ago in northern Japan, authorities discovered the theft of 5,500 steel pipes from a construction project in progress. The pipes were used to hold concrete forms in place. Over a few days when the site was left unattended, thieves made off with all the pipes!

Rice Farmer said...

Pandabonium -- This story fits neatly into the pattern, doesn't it? Military action to grab Middle Eastern oil, to grab Africa's oil (creation of AFRICOM), and now this.

Rice Farmer said...

Japan's National Police Agency has announced that there were 5,700 instances of metal theft last year. Thieves are also stealing infrastructure, such as the metal barricades set into pavement that keep out motor vehicles but allow bicycles and pedestians through.

Michael A. Lewis said...

Must be fixed now!

Michael A. Lewis said...

So why isthis blog dominated by new bits about war? Doesn't it say Peak Oil blog up there on top?