‘Doomsday vault’ town warming quicker than any other on Earth, climate scientist says
By Matt Stroud, one of the few journalists to cover Mike's demise.
With the arrival of Peak Oil, the curtain has closed on Act 1 of the drama Petroleum Man. What will happen in Act 2? Chekhov said, "If there's a gun on the wall at the beginning of the play, by the end it must go off." In the world's nuclear arsenal are many guns on the wall. If life copies art, will there be an Act 3 in which the players, having learned their lesson the hard way, live sustainably? To explore these and other questions... FTW's Act 2 Blog. Read, comment, take heart! Orkin
One of the Worst Earthquakes in Korea's History Was Caused by Humans Bus full of children set alight by angry driver in Italy |
Geothermal plant 'triggered earthquake' in S. Korea |