Saturday, September 25, 2021

From Jenna Orkin

Meet Josiah Zayner, America's Most Censored Person

How big corporations and Bill Gates took over the UN food Summit

The US deported dozens of children without Haitian passports to Haiti, report says

The Biden administration is using a Trump-era measure to deport thousands of Haitian migrants gathered at the US border back to Haiti.

Humans won't be able to control a superintelligent AI, according to a study

China declares all crypto-related transactions illegal and forbids overseas exchanges from serving its citizens

A hamster has been trading cryptocurrencies in a cage rigged to automatically buy and sell tokens since June — and it's currently outperforming the S&P 500

'Right-to-work' legislation may sound nice, but it's actually terrible for workers and has a deeply racist history

Pitchfork Economics' Paul Constant says these laws hurt unions' ability to get workers higher pay and employer-provided health insurance.

Insulin prices have tripled over the past decade. Diabetics like me are now being forced to choose between paying for groceries or our medication.

One of the most secretive and powerful groups in GOP politics just had its cellphone numbers leaked. Here's what its members said about Trump 2024 when we started calling. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

From Jenna Orkin

Mormon church to require masks in temples amid COVID surge
EPA to cut greenhouse gases thousands of times more powerful than carbon dioxide

U.S. special envoy to Haiti resigns, says he will not be associated with ‘inhumane, counterproductive’ deportations of Haitians


Sunday, September 19, 2021

From Jenna Orkin

Wildfire reaches Giant Forest; fate of giant sequoias unknown

Scientists created the world's whitest paint. It could eliminate the need for air conditioning.