Wednesday, May 22, 2024

From Jenna Orkin Scientists use rare metal to set new record in effort to produce limitless energy: 'It was a pretty remarkable result' META'S AI IS TELLING USERS IT HAS A CHILD In a few years, when the E.P.A. begins enforcing the new regulations, local utilities will be required to test their water and remove any amount of PFOS or PFOA which exceeds four parts per trillion—the equivalent of one drop dissolved in several Olympic swimming pools. 3M has produced enough PFOS and chemicals that degrade into PFOS to exceed this level in all of the freshwater on earth. Russia began offering “regime survival packages” to countries in Africa, in exchange for access to mineral resources. Russia threatens to cut off privileged French access to Nigeran uranium reserves, which are responsible for the production of 12 percent of France’s electricity. Oil Tankers Forced Out of Greek Gulf Again as Navy Drills Resume Also among today’s entourage was a former New York Hells Angel called Chuck Zito, who was convicted of manufacturing and selling methamphetamine, along with his five Hells Angels co-defendants, whose nicknames were “Jerry the Cowboy, Cochise, Anthony Good Humor, Flash, and One Eyed Bert.” Zito served seven years in prison. According to his sentencing memorandum, Zito fulfilled the Hells Angels membership requirement that he “kill or attempt to kill” an enemy of the Hells Angel chapter. “Zito fulfilled this requirement by planting a bomb underneath the automobile of one Robert Giangarra. The bomb exploded, but fortunately Giangarra escaped serious injury. Giangarra was selected by the chapter as Zito’s victim because Giangarra had previously shot and injured a Hells Angels Motorcycle Club member.” Trump was just lettin’ the MAGA crowd know who his friends are, you understand. It’s the hottest May ever in Miami. Heat index ‘completely off the charts’ How to find hidden cameras in an Airbnb, according to a security expert Trumpaganda gone wild! Fentanyl is fueling a record number of youth drug deaths

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