Wednesday, May 01, 2024

From Jenna Orkin Once Unthinkable Nuclear Plant Revival Is a Reality in US Shift Live Updates: Protesters Take Over Building on Columbia Campus The wild-looking Russian 'turtle tanks' that keep showing up may not be as crazy as they seem The Revolution Has Begun in the UK 75,000 UK parents have come together to give their kids a smartphone-free childhood Where Seas Are Rising at Alarming Speed The implications of applying ecmo to organ transplantation could be profound. If organs could be reliably kept alive outside of the body, they could be sent to a centralized organ bank. Transport time would no longer be a factor. Organs could be perfectly matched to recipients, and marginal organs could be tuned up outside the body with medications. Wait lists could disappear. “Transplant would not be an emergency surgery anymore,” Rojas-Peña said. It could be planned, like any other operation. In Toronto, a group has already begun doing this with human lungs, and that has allowed them to utilize about seventy per cent of donor lungs for transplantation, compared with an average in the United States of about twenty per cent. The findings “help to reveal the origin of 99 percent of the visible mass in our universe,” write Deur, Brodsky and their co-author Craig D. Roberts. This mass comes from atoms, and most of their mass is in their protons and neutrons. But the quarks that make up protons and neutrons have relatively little mass. Most of the missing mass, it turns out, comes from the binding energy of the strong force itself. Over 1,000 sea lions descend on San Francisco's Pier 39 White House considers welcoming some Palestinians from war-torn Gaza as refugees UK students begin new wave of protests against Gaza war after US arrests

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