Friday, March 25, 2022

From Jenna Orkin

Brain Implant Enables Completely 'Locked-In' Man to Communicate Again

Biden to accept 100,000 refugees; G-7 to warn Putin against chemical, nuclear weapons


If you sanction a country, you force it to become more self-reliant and across the board, from agriculture to dairy products to technology, Russia is forced to become more self-reliant and at the same time to depend much more on trade with China for the things that it is still not self-reliant in.
So America is bringing about exactly the opposite of what it intended… American sanctions are driving Russia and China together, and America has gone to China and said, Please don’t support Russia. Most recently, on Monday, March 14, Jake Sullivan came out and told China, we will sanction countries that break our sanctions against Russia. And basically, China said, fine. - Michael Hudson


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