Monday, August 21, 2017

From Jenna Orkin

If the Great Lakes region were a country, it would have the third largest economy in the world

Scientists have developed a battery that gets its power from human spit

NASA Unveils Plan To Stop Yellowstone "Supervolcano" Eruption, There's Just One Catch

Man sprayed poison on open food at grocery stores, FBI says

"What Is Happening To Our Young People?" Teenage Drug Deaths Surge 20%

Why Climate Change Isn’t Our Biggest Environmental Problem, and Why Technology Won’t Save Us

Confirmed: Grid Tie Inverter Continues to Generate Electricity During Grid Failure with Powerwall 2

Newly Leaked Emails Just Revealed Trump Family Implicated In $350 Million Fraud Investigation

Storms felled record number of trees in Poland: officials


  1. Ed Begley Jr

  2. thanks adam. he told me about that car when we met backstage in 2004. he was ahead of the game environmentally speaking even then.
