Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Immortality Only Twenty Years Away

From Jenna Orkin:

Who Said This Blog Was a Downer?
Immortality Only Twenty Years Away

Back to the Present
California's Unemployment and Underemployment at Depression Levels
The only salvation from the inevitable is the inevitable: California must go bankrupt (from Rice Farmer)
Battle Looms Over the Patriot Act
44% Plunge Predicted for Crude
Big players face output struggle' (from Rice Farmer)
China to Develop Petroleum Reserves to Meet Any Emergency (from Rice Farmer)
Leading Senator Pushes New Plan to Oversee Banks
Plugged-In Age Feeds a Hunger for Electricity
Jevons' Paradox in action: The more cheap and efficient devices become, the more we buy.
Can Economies Function without Growth?
Economists Search for New Definition of Well-Being
Fed Remains Intertwined with Market
Now Even Millionaires Can See the Benefits of Budgeting
From Bear to Bull
The vagaries of this recession may be more complex than we think.
'The Obama Administration Has Completely Failed'
Cash for Clunkers is Another Government Failure
Enron play is gripping allegory for our times

Groin Armor Would Help British Troops to Survive
Half of Germany's Top Managers Given the Boot
German Cabinet Approves Massive Expansion of Offshore Wind Farms
Yushchenko Is Unrepentant as Ukrainians Turn Sour on His Orange Revolution
Retail Sales in August Decline Record 9.8%
Will the Electric Car Ever Make It to the Mass Market?

Swine Flu Could Kill Millions
Vaccine could be 'more dangerous than swine flu' (from Rice Farmer)
World's Dementia to Double Every Twenty Years
That's better than the alternative envisioned by this website.

The latest research - contained in the World Alzheimer's Report 2009 - is published by Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI). It said that, over the next 20 years, the number of people with dementia is expected to increase by 40 per cent in Europe (44 per cent in Western Europe), 63 per cent in North America, 77 per cent in southern Latin American and 89 per cent in developed Asia Pacific countries. But the increase will be much sharper in other countries, including 117 per cent in East Asia, 107 per cent in South Asia, 134 to 146 per cent in the rest of Latin America, and 125 per cent in North Africa and the Middle East.

Engineered Foods Allowed on the Market

CIA: We were only following orders (from Rice Farmer)

It's not gonna fly
Hong Kong is pulling all its physical gold holdings from depositories in London and transferring them to a high-security facility newly built at Hong Kong airport. Why the airport, of all places? Why not out in the middle of nowhere so you can see the enemy coming?


wxdude714 said...

I actually contracted the H1N1 virus in late August. It lasted 7 days with the worst of the effects ending about 36hours after it started. My entire family also contracted it as well as a couple of co-workers. It seems more hype than reality and I've had other illnesses in my 28 years that were far worse than this mild cold with a fever if you want to put it into prespective. My 25 y/o brother got it less worse than I did. Just my 2 cents... don't believe the hype.

F.Kamilov said...


I have discussed your previous query, but since the answer was too long to be allowed for posting here in this comments section, you can find it on my blog:

under the heading "Current Afghan and Pakistani Predicament"

agape wins said...

This is the most mention MCR can expect from the times, HE/we are too big a threat to their vary existence, the same reason he got no mention on National Geographic.
TPTB only challenge what is poorly put together; MM's "muck"-he's more into the quick dirty shock, than the deep research!

"Michael Moore, always one to rake up the muck, has grabbed headlines for his take on 2008's financial market meltdown with Capitalism: the Movie," but perhaps a more ominous picture of a world in crises is painted by "Collapse" director Chris Smith."
I'm sure "Chris Smith" will draw interest/not. They sure wouldn't name "Mike Ruppert"!

And then we have;

""If we want to go into virtual-reality mode, nanobots will shut down brain signals and take us wherever we want to go. Virtual sex will become commonplace. And in our daily lives, hologram like figures will pop in our brain to explain what is happening.". From:

Immortality Only Twenty Years Away

Shades of "Lust, Caution", it seems everything revolves around SEX; or at least whatever prevents clear reasoning, just the Climax of the moment (Our way of life), which will lead to the DEATH of many. Do not hold your breath for Immortality, it'll be too expensive anyway!

VW's E car, for 2020, don't turn blue!!?

World's Dementia to Double Every Twenty Years

What is this, 20 years; must we delay the future even 2 years, think ahead for next year.

businessman said...

Regarding the article on the world's dementia doubling every 20 years:

"According to Hugh Fudenberg, MD, the world's leading immunogeneticist and 13th most quoted biologist of our times (nearly 850 papers in peer review journals): If an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied) his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is 10 times higher than if he/she had one, 2 or no shots."

Click Here for the Article

businessman said...

Regarding the article on the "Cash for Clunkers" program here in the U.S., this program is another example of how people and industries with influence can have the wealth redistributed from others into their own pockets.

Why should we be bailing out the new car industry over other people and businesses? Our media has been talking about how great this program has been for the automotive industry, but a friend of mine who sells used cars told me how his business dried up during the "Cash for Clunkers" program. People became much more interested in buying new cars instead of used cars because of the subsidies they'd receive. So while new car sales may have benefited from this program, people in his position were unfairly penalized because of it, not to mention the fact that it cost all the rest of us here in the U.S. a ton of money.

Anonymous said...

My entire family is on the rebound from H1N1. I was out of work for a day, but wasn't so bad that I couldn't work from home. I found it to be less severe than other seasonal flu virus's.

As for Alzheimers, we all know that mercury is a killer. Replace your mercury cavity fillings and you'll stop the chemical disintegration of your mental faculties.

Gustav said...


True, the mercury in fillings is a killer. However, when the dentist is removing the mercury filling, he/she must be very careful and use also an air suction device, since the mercury starts to evaporate at 38'C (100,4'F). Friction from a dental drill produces sufficient heat for evaporation to start.

On a different note:


Since Bruxelles is a center of EU government, it is only natural, that the NWO agenda be first implemented in it's European seat of power and then spread outward. We'll see...

and stay safe.


Sebastian Ernst Ronin said...

As an aside, I just stumbled across this speaking engagement by Ralph Nader. I wasn't even aware of the book. One has to wonder if Mr. Nader has lost it. The title of the speech and the book:

Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us

Unknown said...

RE: Only the Super-Rich can Save Us

There was a genre of social commentary during the age of absolute monarchs, called Mirror of Princes tracts. These tracts purported to advise the monarch on ethics, on the responsibility they had for their people, on the best uses of power to achieve laudable ends, and to warn these despots not to be cruel or whimsical with the great power they possessed. Machiavelli's famous book, The Prince, was directly opposite to these tracts, in that he told the monarch how to best cheat and use force and cunning to gain objectives. Some say he was writing cynically, since his other writings tended in a republican direction. No matter...

My point here is that, when de facto power is concentrated strongly in a few people, it literally is those few who can make the biggest difference, by and large. Convincing the super-rich to care for the planet would have tremendous consequences. Getting through to them that all human beings are important, and that human potential should be developed, not suppressed, would have far reaching effects and possibly stimulate the sort of revolution we need in human consciousness. (There are certain herbs and potions useful in this work, but Tim Leary long ago laid down the principle that no one should be medicated against their will, and I must agree.)

Not to say that we un-rich folks have nothing worthwhile to do. First off, occassionally a poor person, such as Martin Luther King, perseveres at the right time, in the right way, and makes a huge effect. Second, combinations of small people make can develop big momentum, as is clear from the labor movement of the early 20th century and the people power revolutions of various nations. Third, not all progress need be highly visible on a nationwide or worldwide scale. Solid gains made in a small community can nurture that community through difficult times -- and when conditions allow, it will be such communities (and families) that provide the memes and the techniques and the ideologies and the leaders and innovators. You may think that working on the public library committee or the schoolboard is a losing battle in an age of decay, but you and your town are not alone, and the good fight is being fought all over the world. So the work of us un-rich "little people" certainly does matter.

Yet ... maybe the man is not wrong to light a fire under the super-rich. Without tycoons such as Hamilton and plantation owners such as Jefferson and Washington, the original American Revolution would never have happened. So, while we need to keep working (and to value our own efforts), maybe part of our work should be a PR campaign aimed at the super-rich.

Memo to the Dark Powers: Hey, lighten up!

Unknown said...

Thank you F.Kamilov

for a very interesting commentary on the "Af-Pak" situation.

I recommend visiting his blog,

to anyone interested in that affair, which is central to the American "leadership of the free world" and thus to the world itself.

Although Kamilov takes a pessimistic view of the outcome, his dire warnings should stimulate a pull-back from what he rightly predicts would (or, to him, will) be the demise of America as a world power. Is there time to throw it into neutral, coast to a stop, then hit reverse and retreat in good order?

If not, take cover.

Anonymous said...

I have had mercury toxicity from vaccinations given to me by the corporation I worked for when I was required to travel overseas to over 60 countries. (We can all have a guffaw over the fact that it was Citigroup.) I have it again, untested, but I know the symptoms all too well. This time it's from the coal fired power plants in the Ohio Valley; they have found it in the mountain streams 10 miles from my home. How do you escape the wind? The same wind that also prevents me from growing my own corn, since the wind causes the GMO corn all around me to cross pollinate with mine.

RanD said...

Sebastian... Mr. Nader's speech and book Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us is pretty much classic never die open your eyes & please think while yawning Nader bulldog naivete. Can't help but love this beautiful guy... and yeah, he's as lost on this planet as anyone else who's still fretting away time watching the empire crumble.

RanD said...

eyeballs... Your commentary "RE: Only the Super-Rich can Save Us" is superb, fundamentally more productive than my perhaps overly glib cryptogram to Sebastian on Mr. Nader's efforts. And, "Memo to the Dark Powers: Hey, lighten up!" says it best --- for us all.